6 Reasons Your Business Needs a Budget (Plus, Free Template & Video Guide!)
During the break, I had a brief conversation with a Wellington-based economic advisor (as you do when watching your grandchildren dive off the wharf) and a couple of his comments stuck with me:Last year’s motto for many businesses was: “Survive till ‘25.”Now, it’s shifted to: “Survive ‘25.”But his key advice? Know your numbers.That got me thinking: How can we help business owners like you not just survive, but thrive in 2025?One of the most powerful tools we have available is A c...
February 11, 2025Profit Improvement (part two)
Improving your business’ profitability is a long-term, continual process, but it’s well worth the investment and pretty simple!✅ Get the structure right✅ Drive out the waste✅ Build the right teamInterested in enhancing your business performance? We invite you to connect with us for a complimentary, no-obligation conversation. Let’s explore how we can help you achieve your financial goals....
July 3, 2024Profit Improvement (part 1)
Let’s talk about profit improvement… spoiler alert: it all comes down to your variable costs.It’s very simple when we break it down, but the conversation needs to drive deep so that your profits can soar.Give us a call to unlock the untapped potential of your business. ...
July 3, 20248 Books That Will Change Your Life
Are you ready to take your business to the next level? Dive into our curated list of 8 life-changing books that every business owner should read. From proven success secrets to powerful leadership principles, these books offer practical wisdom and actionable strategies to help you achieve your business goals....
May 6, 20244 Types of Effective Referral Systems
Referrals often happen when they happen and, while you can't always control when one friend asks another for a referral, you can influence how often your referral sources think about referring your business.Referrals are important in business growth. You should look to build multiple referral systems, which gives your customers and clients opportunities to refer you. Here are some of the strategies you can adopt into your business to grow your referrals.1. Direct referralsA direct referral ...
April 11, 2024New top tax rate for trusts – what does it mean for you?
Budget 2023 contained a few surprises, but the change to the tax trust rate wasn’t one of them. As had been hinted at a few times, Grant Robertson lifted the tax trust rate from 33% to 39%, bringing it into alignment with the top personal income tax rate. This change is from 1 April 2024.The change aims to make the tax system fairer – since the top personal tax rate increased to 39% there has been a 50% increase in the amount of money going through trusts.Which trusts will be affected?The&nb...
June 28, 2023Profit improvement and productivity
Do you already track your gross and net profit but are at a bit of a standstill on how to increase profitability? Think about the relationship between business profit and productivity. You can increase profitability if you produce more and pay less for what you need to produce and sell your goods or services.It's not about cost cutting. It’s about looking closely at the value you get for what you spend and how you can best create value for your customers.Start with your fixed costs. You must p...
September 8, 2022Keeping up with Fringe Benefit Tax
As an employer, if you provide fringe benefits to employees, or others associated with your business, you must generally pay fringe benefit tax (FBT) on the value of these benefits.So, when are you liable for FBT? Any time you provide non-cash benefits to your staff. The list is potentially endless but in practice, most non-cash benefits fall into one of these categories:motor vehiclessubsidised transportstaff vouchers/giftsoffsite carparksinsurance premiumsOf these, most FBT revolves around com...
August 24, 2022Facing Increasing Mortgage Interest Rates
The challenge of increasing interest rates will be real to many. It might help to remember just 4 years ago the rates were higher – you survived then, and you will survive now. In the office this week we had a conversation about how we could respond to the increasing rates. Here are some of our ideas: Improving Efficiency Discuss with your mortgage broker or banker what options are available to you. Perhaps fixing part or all of your loans, interest only for a time, ...
June 8, 20225 Reasons why…it’s good to take some time out
Life today is packed with things to do, think and stress about. We're generally living on high energy to keep up with life's’ demands and juggling too many balls. With a fast pace and demanding life and career, often we can forget to take a moment to stop, breathe and get some perspective.Definition of take time out: to stop doing what one is doing in order to do something else for a while1. Get PERSPECTIVEStepping away from day to day life and taking some time to yourself, be it an hour ...
July 27, 2021How to make $25 per hour = $40 per hour
With the introduction of another paid holiday, the Mondayising of another and extending sick pay to 10 days, I was reflecting a conversation that I often have with a clients. The conversation goes something like this….I pay my worker $25 per hourI charge them out at $45 per hour (*plus GST they say with a smile 😊)I’m making $20 per hour from them 😊That’s $800 per week – even bigger smile 😊😊But I don’t seem to be making any money – sad face ☹It's then th...
July 20, 2021Family Trust - Do we still need ours?
There has been a lot of commentary on the impact of the new act on Trustees and how they are now required to do SO much more!The reality is that a Trustee who approaches their appointment in the manner a reasonable person would and always acts for the good of the beneficiaries, has nothing to be feared with these new provisions.We suggest you consider the following factors, to determine if your trust is still relevant:What was the reason for establishing the Trust?Does this reason still exist?Wh...
December 21, 2020Small opportunity to save some tax
Part of the governments COVID assistance to business was the increase in the threshold for immediate write-off of tools and equipment from $500 to $5,000 for all purchases between 17 March 2020 and 16 March 2021. This means that you get immediate deductibility for what would, under normal circumstances, be the purchase of an asset. The impact of this is best explained by an example:Suppose that you need to buy a new item of plant or equipment, a drill press or laptop computer or coffee...
December 17, 2020Thinking about helping the kids get a start in the housing market?
Recently, we have been having conversations with Mums & Dads who want to help their children get into the property market. We love these conversations. Mums and Dads love their children, understand the good side and the not so good side of their children’s natures and of course want the best for them.Every family’s situation is unique, as is the type and level of assistance available. That said, here are a few guidelines/options to get you thinking how you might be able to...
November 13, 2020The Benefits of Business Planning
All business owners know that one of the hardest things to do is take time out to review the health and direction of your own company, particularly in the busy times of the year. Perhaps as you go through the Christmas gifts you've received this year, you might give yourself the most valuable gift of all—setting aside some time in the new year to review your progress and book a business planning session.If you’re one or two years into your new venture, chances are you’ve already come ...
January 8, 2020Thoughts at the holidays
As I reflect on the year that is drawing to a close, I thought I’d to share with you some conversations that I have been privileged to have with clients during the year. I've tried to be smart and tie it into an acronym of the word Christmas. Yes, I know it sounds corny, but here goes… Cash flow – Sales is vanity, profit is reality, cash is king! In truth, cash flow is the lifeblood of your business and when it comes to cash flow management, preventing cash issues is far easier than t...
December 4, 2019Planning to make more money in 2019?
You need a budget.I could leave it right there because it doesn't come more straightforward than that. If you own a business, before you get too far into 2019 you need a budget.But I'm a chartered accountant, I would say that wouldn't I? Some people take a bit more convincing — especially when it comes to sitting down and preparing a budget for next year. It really is one of the most vital tools that will help you achieve your goals next year, so please stay with me. You'll be thankf...
January 7, 2019 Posts 1-17 of 17 | Page